border border IE Reader border border
Screenshot Reads web pages from Internet Explorer using Microsoft Agent technology.
It was design in a view to use Internet Explorer (and so keep all your favorites and other features); and not a browser-like using IE activeX component.

It can read elements functions name like link, image, buttons...

You can use all languages specified by microsft speech api.
Last Update  June 14 2002
Version  1.0
Download Software  Download IE Reader 44 Kb
Source Code
Download Source Code  Sources v1.0 28 Kb
Compatibility  Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP with VB6 Runtime and Microsoft Agent Components
License  Freeware under GPL license
Language  VB6
Status  Maintained Only
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border border User Manual border border
Main window
Main window

Warning: only Internet Explorer instances opened with IE Reader will be managed.
In the main window, you can open as many Internet Explorer as you want.
The agent will read the topmost Internet Explorer window. It is automatically attached to the topmost IE each time you change of IE window.
Right click on agent will allows you to access the same windows as the main windowRight click on agent will allows you to access the same windows as the main window

The main window allows you to read clipboard and to make text drag and drop (implementation of Simple Reader)
Web page options (here elements function names are in french)
Web page options (here elements function names are in french)

Agent options allows you to change the agent character (they are located in your windows directory, in the folder msagent/chars/), choose the language voice and language voice options (speed, context ...), and if you want to see ballon containing spoken text
(The agent list is refresh only if you use the browse button)
Voice options
Voice options

Microsoft Agent Components

System Requirements
   Windows 8 and upper
   Windows Vista and 7
   Windows 2000 Window XP
   Windows 95/98/NT 4

   Agent Character
   Agent Character Tools
   SAPI 4 Text To Speech Engines (Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/2000/XP/Vista/Seven only)
   SAPI 4 Languages (Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/2000/XP only)

System Requirements

System Requirements for Windows 8 and upper
   - Double agent (an open source project) for adding support to Microsoft Agents on windows 8 and newer http://doubleagent.sourceforge.net/    [Binaries Mirror]    [Sources Mirror]
   - At least one Agent Character

System Requirements for 7
   - MS Agent control http://support.microsoft.com/kb/969168    [MsAgent for 7 x64 Mirror]    [MsAgent for 7 x86 Mirror]
   - At least one Agent Character

System Requirements for Windows 2000/XP
   - SAPI 4 runtime support
   - At least one SAPI 4 Text To Speech Engine
   - At least one Agent Character

System Requirements for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0
   - Internet Explorer 4.0 or Above
   - MS Agent 2.0 Control
   - SAPI 4 runtime support
   - At least one SAPI 4 Languages
   - At least one Agent Character


Agent Character (.acs file)
    Notice: They are usually located under "C:\Windows\MSAgent\chars\"
Merlin Genie
Peedy Robby
James Leo
Al Becky
Bonzi Max (Parot)
Bugs Bunny Daffy Duck
Links (Ms Office cat) Rocky (Ms Office dog)
Clippit (Ms Office) Rover (WinXp Explorer dog)
More agents characters can be found at
   - https://bellcraft.com/mash/chars.aspx
   - https://tmafe.com/
   - Internet Archive

Agent Character Tools
   - Microsoft agent character editor
   - Agent Property viewer
   - Microsoft Agent Decompiler
   - MSAgent Character Data Specification (.acs,acf,aca format documentation)

SAPI 4 Text To Speech Engine (Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/2000/XP/Vista/Seven only)

SAPI 4 Languages (Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/2000/XP only)

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border border Known Troubles border border
Report new bug
  - In the "Agent options" window, the agent list is refresh only if you use the browse button.
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